Map of Moldova's Wine Regions

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Moldova is the traditional winemaking country and has a well-established wine industry.

The country has four main Wine growing regions.

Wine Classification

  • Law Nr. 57 from 10.03.2006 Vines & Wines
  • In terms of color there are different wines: white, rose, red
  • In terms of the production technology applied to different wines: natural and special
  • Natural wines: dry, semi-dry, semi-sweet, sweet
  • Special wines: strong, dessert (semi-sweet, sweet, liquored), non-alcoholic, peliculare (dry, strong, dessert), aromatized (dry, semi-dry, semi-sweet, strong, dessert), sparkling (spumante, pearl, semi-sparkling, sparkling), and others authorized under the law and relevant technical regulations.
  • In terms of quality wine: current consumption wines and quality wines.
  • Natural wines for current consumption are divided into: wines "tulburel", "obinuite", young, table, peasant.
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