South Africa, as the name implies, is a country located in southern Africa. South Africa has three capitals with Pretoria as administrative, Cape Town as legislative, and Bloemfontein as the judicial capital. The climate ranges from a Mediterranean climate in the southwest to a hot and humid climate along the eastern coast.
Wines of Origins (WO) production area come in four sizes. Geographical Unit, Region, District, and Ward. South Africa has four geographical units, four regions, 21 districts, and 64 wards.
South Africa uses the Wine of Origins (WO) classification. This scheme legislates how the wine regions are defined and what can appear on the wine label. The Wine of Origins scheme does not control the quality or type of grapes used in the wine. When the term Wine of Origins or WO is printed on the label it confirms that 100% of the grapes from which the wine is made comes from that specific area that is printed on the label.
In addition to this, South Africa also has production areas registered for single vineyard wines and estate wines and this could also be present on the label.
Associations and additional wine/region information can be found here.